
Facebook's Libra prospects dim, but cryptocurrencies roll on

Facebook's planned global digital coin Libra has run into a wall of opposition in Washington that could prevent its launch as envisioned, but analysts say cryptocurrencies are likely to make gains around the world nonetheless.


An ethical hacker explains how to track down the bad guys

When a cyberattack occurs, ethical hackers are called in to be digital detectives. In a certain sense, they are like regular police detectives on TV. They have to search computer systems to find ways an intruder might have ...


Does the UK need or even want a 'Great British Firewall'?

You've probably heard of the Great Firewall of China, the virtual fortification that allows the Chinese government to monitor and restrict internet traffic to and from the world's most populous nation. Well, the cyber-security ...


As surveillance gets smart, hackers get smarter

There is an escalating technological arms race underway between governments and hacktivists. As governments step up their surveillance, the hacktivists find new ways to subvert it.

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