Computer Sciences

Device allows a personal computer to process huge graphs

In data-science parlance, graphs are structures of nodes and connecting lines that are used to map scores of complex data relationships. Analyzing graphs is useful for a broad range of applications, such as ranking webpages, ...

Computer Sciences

New modelling methodology for large-scale dynamic networks

Engineering systems, such as power grids and transportation systems, are becoming increasingly complex and encompass numerous sub-systems that are spatially interconnected. Modeling of these 'dynamic networks' is an important ...

Machine learning & AI

Clues to COVID-19 treatments could be hiding in existing data

If you want to research historical events for a college essay, learn about tropical fish, or even translate text into a different language, you can type keywords into an internet search engine and get almost instant results ...


CyberGraph: mapping cyber threats to prevent the next attack

Although nearly every aspect of our lives relies on technology, our current cybersecurity infrastructure is not prepared to effectively defend our social, economic and political organizations from advancing cyberattacks, ...

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Graph may refer to:

In mathematics:

In computer science:

Other uses:

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