Experiments boost solar power

With global warming an ever-present worry, renewable energy – particularly solar power—is a burgeoning field. Now, two doctoral students in the School of Architecture & Design (Arc/D) have demonstrated methods of optimizing ...

Energy & Green Tech

Our next renewable energy source could be an artificial leaf

LSU researchers are exploring new ways to use the oldest energy source on our planet—sunlight—to create truly green energy on demand. You've already heard of solar cells and solar panels, but David Vinyard, assistant ...


Italy's ITA takes to skies from ashes of Alitalia

Italy's new national carrier ITA Airways took its debut flight Friday, closing a turbulent chapter that witnessed the decline of the country's storied but ill-fated Alitalia after 74 eventful years.


Air France gets EU green light for 4 bn euro aid

The EU authorised the French government on Tuesday to double its stake in Air France and inject up to four billion euros into the struggling airline whose revenues have been hit by the pandemic-induced drop in passenger traffic.

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