
Saudi Arabia spending big for a place on the gaming map

Saudi Arabia is moving aggressively with its investments in more gaming companies, the Canadian industry veteran steering the kingdom's push to become a global hub for the sector told AFP Friday.

Energy & Green Tech

Energy transition at risk from commodity market fragmentation: IMF

Growing geopolitical fragmentation since the invasion of Ukraine has hit commodity markets, threatening to slow the transition to renewable energy as the world looks to combat climate change, the International Monetary Fund ...


Salvadoran president vows to buy "one #Bitcoin every day'

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador, the first country to make bitcoin legal tender, said Thursday the nation would buy one unit of the currency every day, doubling down in the face of public criticism of his embrace of ...


Amazon plans to invest $2.5 billion in Spain

Amazon cloud computing unit AWS plans to invest $2.5 billion in Spain over the next 10 years which will create over 1,300 jobs, the US e-commerce giant said Wednesday.


Samsung Electronics forecasts 11.4% rise in 2Q profits

Samsung Electronics expects operating profits in the second quarter to rise 11.4 percent, the South Korean tech giant said in a statement Thursday, despite ongoing global supply chain woes.

Hi Tech & Innovation

UAE vows 'responsible' artificial intelligence rollout

The world's first minister for artificial intelligence says the United Arab Emirates isn't only looking for economic benefits as it seeks to become a leading nation in the sector.


Spain aims EU funds for boost to electric car industry

The Spanish government will invest 4.3 billion euros ($5.1 billion) from its share of European pandemic recovery funds to revamp its automobile industry and steer it toward manufacturing electric vehicles and their components, ...

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