
Swiss police raid over hack on U.S. security-camera company

Swiss authorities on Monday confirmed a police raid at the home of a Swiss software engineer who took credit for helping to break into a U.S. security-camera company's online networks, part of what the activist hacker cited ...

French cyber agency reveals suspected Russian hacks

France's national cybersecurity agency said Monday it had discovered a hack of several organisations that bore similarities to other attacks by a group linked to Russian intelligence.


Hack exposes vulnerability of cash-strapped US water plants

A hacker's botched attempt to poison the water supply of a small Florida city is raising alarms about just how vulnerable the nation's water systems may be to attacks by more sophisticated intruders. Treatment plants are ...


Ukraine uncovers ring that hacked banks in US, Europe

Ukrainian authorities said Wednesday they have uncovered a group of hackers who stole data from banks in the United States and several European countries causing an estimated $2.5 billion in damage.


Google says North Korea-backed hackers sought cyber research

Google says it believes hackers backed by the North Korean government have been posing as computer security bloggers and using fake accounts on social media while attempting to steal information from researchers in the field.


Microsoft says hackers viewed source code, didn't change it

Microsoft hackers tied to a massive intrusion of dozens of U.S. government agencies and private companies sneaked further into its systems than previously thought, although the intrusion doesn't appear to have caused any ...


Cyberattack hit key US Treasury systems: senator

Hackers broke into systems used by top US Treasury officials during a massive cyberattack on government agencies and may have stolen essential encryption keys, a senior lawmaker said Monday.

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