Consumer & Gadgets

Sony designing finger-tracking VR controller

A report by Sony software engineers reveals the company is developing a highly immersive virtual reality motion system likely to be used in its next generation PlayStation controllers.


New device brings us closer to coin-sized medical labs

It sounds like a science fiction movie: Using a handheld device, a doctor draws blood from a patient and, seconds later, the device provides in-depth medical information about the patient.

Hi Tech & Innovation

GlassOuse headset allows hands-free mouse control

(Tech Xplore)—A team led by designer Mehmet Nemo Turker has posted an Indiegogo project for a head-mounted device called GlassOuse (Glass Mouse)—it is meant to allow disabled people to use a computer or handheld device ...


New tool automates the formal verification of systems software

Formal systems verification, which mathematically proves that code is secure in all circumstances, is a relatively new technology. Software is getting more complex and harder to get right using traditional software testing ...

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