Electronics & Semiconductors

Researchers design flexible electronics for stretchable OLED display

Imagine a thin, digital display so flexible that you can wrap it around your wrist, fold it in any direction, or curve it over your car's steering wheel. Researchers at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) at ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

'Drawn-on-skin' electronics offer breakthrough in wearable monitors

A team of researchers led by Cunjiang Yu, Bill D. Cook Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston, has developed a new form of electronics known as "drawn-on-skin electronics," allowing multifunctional ...


Tattoo-like skin health monitor needs no batteries

(Tech Xplore)—An international team of researchers has developed an ultra-thin health monitoring device that affixes to the skin like a patch and looks somewhat like a tattoo. As they note in their paper published in the ...


New app revolutionizes safety for women walking alone

Two University of Bath graduates have launched their revolutionary women's safety smartwatch app, Epowar, that monitors heart rate and body motion to sense distress and automatically sends an emergency alert if the wearer ...


Are we there yet? Time slows down on crowded train

Testing time perception in an unusually lifelike setting—a virtual reality ride on a New York City subway train—an interdisciplinary Cornell research team found that crowding makes time seem to pass more slowly.

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