
Do robots have to be human-like for us to trust them?

Recently published research assessed human trust when collaborating with eyed and non-eyed robots of the same type. The data suggest that humans might not need human-like machines to trust and work with them. Instead, they ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Researchers design flexible electronics for stretchable OLED display

Imagine a thin, digital display so flexible that you can wrap it around your wrist, fold it in any direction, or curve it over your car's steering wheel. Researchers at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) at ...

Computer Sciences

Could an app let you know if a first date is just not that into you?

Could an app tell if a first date is just not that into you? Engineers at the University of Cincinnati say the technology might not be far off. They trained a computer—using data from wearable technology that measures respiration, ...


Are we there yet? Time slows down on crowded train

Testing time perception in an unusually lifelike setting—a virtual reality ride on a New York City subway train—an interdisciplinary Cornell research team found that crowding makes time seem to pass more slowly.

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