Energy & Green Tech

Waste not, want watts: Turning waste into energy

The race is on to reuse waste as energy in the most effective way possible. Combined heat and power is an old idea for saving fuel with a new imperative to slash emissions. Innovative furnaces based on biofuel systems will ...

Energy & Green Tech

Energy communities bring renewable power to the people

Traditional energy production in advanced economies involves the importation of large amounts of oil and gas from a small number of suppliers. Renewable energy systems under new community ownership structures are being pioneered ...


Suddenly everyone wants 'super-hot' heat pumps

SINTEF has developed the world's "hottest" heat pump together with its industrial partners and colleagues at NTNU. It recently held its third conference on the topic of high-temperature heat pumps.

Energy & Green Tech

Electrifying homes to slow climate change: 4 essential reads

The latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that to avoid massive losses and damage from global warming, nations must act quickly to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The good news is that ...

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