Energy & Green Tech

Making a case for organic Rankine cycles in waste heat recovery

A team from City, University of London's Department of Engineering believes that a new approach to generating energy through waste heat could yield important insights into delivering environmentally-friendly power.

Energy & Green Tech

Solution to energy storage may be beneath your feet

Anyone who has ever hot-footed it barefoot across the beach on a sunny day walks away with a greater understanding of just how much heat sand can retain. That ability is expected to play a vital role in the future, as technology ...


New research may point the way towards frost-free heat pumps

A chilly winter morning, the car windshield shrouded in a thick layer of frost. Who has not experienced the frustration of scraping ice or waiting for the defroster to work? It is a daily winter struggle, but what if this ...

Energy & Green Tech

Keeping refrigerants flowing steadily in HVAC units

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have demonstrated that microchannel heat exchangers in heating, ventilation and air conditioning units can keep refrigerants evenly and continually distributed through the insertion ...


Innovative coating prevents limescale formation

Hot water tanks, washing machines, kettles: limescale forms in every domestic appliance that comes into contact with (hot) water—especially in areas where the water is hard, meaning high in calcium. Often the only thing ...

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