Energy & Green Tech

Experts discuss future surplus power storage technologies

If the transition to renewables is to succeed, we will need a viable means of storing surplus heat and electricity. Globe spoke to experts from ETH Zurich about the promising technologies that could help us reach net zero.

Energy & Green Tech

Banish retrofit blues with one-stop shop and better living

Retrofitting housing to be more energy efficient and provide equitable benefits for all is essential to make Europe carbon neutral. The job is challenging and complex and some people have trust barriers to overcome.

Energy & Green Tech

Hot water wells in Hungary fuel switch from Russian gas

At plants painted with birds and hedgehogs, hot water from deep underground is being channeled to produce energy and heat for thousands of households in Hungary's third largest city Szeged.

Energy & Green Tech

Energy communities bring renewable power to the people

Traditional energy production in advanced economies involves the importation of large amounts of oil and gas from a small number of suppliers. Renewable energy systems under new community ownership structures are being pioneered ...

Energy & Green Tech

Innovative waste heat recovery experiment in Sweden

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden has set up a small fuel cell-powered data center in LuleƄ, a coastal city in northern Sweden, for the recovery of waste heat. The fuel cells generate electricity used to power the Edge ...

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