Energy & Green Tech

Understanding consumer decisions about aging solar panels

By 2050, there could be 80 million metric tons globally of solar photovoltaics (PV) reaching the end of their lifetime, with 10 million metric tons in the United States aloneā€”or the weight of 30 Empire State Buildings.


Turbine cooling turns night into day

Keeping turbines running efficiently during a hot Australian summer's day can be hard work. But a new technology is drawing on the cold night air to make it easier.

Energy & Green Tech

Selecting best microalgae for biodiesel production

Microalgae are a promising source of energy to replace fossil fuels, as they have several advantages over conventional crops used for commercial biodiesel. Microalgae have a shorter lifecycle and they can be developed in ...


EU unveils proposed curbs on cryptocurrencies

The European Commission on Thursday unveiled plans to regulate cryptocurrencies, proposing rules that could limit the development of Facebook-backed Libra and similar projects.


Italy's 5G stumbles after a shining start

Italy's 5G project, launched to great fanfare in October 2018 with frequencies going for top dollar at auction, has since fallen victim to sky-high costs and red tape.

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