
Personalized food from the 3D printer

The consumption of food is a basic need in life and is typically subjective and personal in terms of preference and health. With the increasing world population and, as a result, the increasing demand for food, novel improvements ...

Computer Sciences

Transport simulation: Ridesharing pushes the mobility transition

"Our simulations based on surveys and many other data reveal that mobility transition will be possible when attractive alternatives to the private car are provided and stricter regulations for motorized individual transport ...

Energy & Green Tech

Wind forecasts power up for reliable energy production

Optimizing the integration of wind energy into a country's power network requires reliable forecasts of how wind speed and direction are likely to vary in time and space over the pending few hours. KAUST researchers have ...

Computer Sciences

Decrappifying brain images with deep learning

Textbook descriptions of brain cells make neurons look simple: a long spine-like central axon with branching dendrites. Taken individually, these might be easy to identify and map, but in an actual brain, they're more like ...


Robotic spiders and bees: The rise of bioinspired microrobots

Jumping robot spiders and swarms of robotic bees sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but researchers at The University of Manchester are already working on such projects and aiming to lead the world in micro robotics.

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