Machine learning & AI

Defining the unexplainable in artificial intelligence

The term "artificial intelligence," usually abbreviated as AI, means many things to many people. Initially, the phrase was used to allude to the potential of machines, computers, specifically, somehow gaining sentience on ...


Tiny device mimics human vision and memory abilities

Researchers have created a small device that "sees" and creates memories in a similar way to humans, in a promising step towards one day having applications that can make rapid, complex decisions such as in self-driving cars.

Machine learning & AI

Study sheds light on the dark side of AI

Artificial intelligence is touted as a panacea for almost every computational problem these days, from medical diagnostics to driverless cars to fraud prevention.

Computer Sciences

Do humans think computers make fair decisions?

Today, machine learning helps determine the loan we qualify for, the job we get, and even who goes to jail. But when it comes to these potentially life-altering decisions, can computers make a fair call? In a study published ...

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