
Greater safety through better communication at sea

Communication in the maritime environment is important for safety but does not always run smoothly. This can have catastrophic consequences. After all, 90% of all accidents at sea are caused by human error, and half of these ...

Computer Sciences

Do trucks mean Trump? AI shows how humans misjudge images

A study on the types of mistakes that humans make when evaluating images may enable computer algorithms that help us make better decisions about visual information, such as while reading an X-ray or moderating online content.


More than 90% of cyberattacks are made possible by human error

In a ransomware attack, a company's computer systems are locked, and the attacker demands a ransom in cryptocurrency in return for unlocking the system. Malware infects a network of objects connected to the Internet of Things ...

Britain gears up to watch TV in self-driving cars

Motorists can sit back and watch TV once self-driving cars are approved on British roads but will be banned from using handheld mobile phones, government plans revealed Wednesday.


Driverless car stopped in San Francisco puzzles cops

San Francisco police faced an unprecedented problem recently when an officer stopped a car that was driving at night with no headlights on, only to discover there was no one inside.

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