
Driverless car stopped in San Francisco puzzles cops

San Francisco police faced an unprecedented problem recently when an officer stopped a car that was driving at night with no headlights on, only to discover there was no one inside.


People fear AI tech, but not enough to avoid autonomous cars

A significant percentage of people fear AI tech, but not enough to avoid using autonomous cars when they become available. That is according to new research that goes against the "Frankenstein complex," where humans are predicted ...


Going top shelf with AI to better track hockey data

Researchers from the University of Waterloo got a valuable assist from artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help capture and analyze data from professional hockey games faster and more accurately than ever before, with big ...


UK signals self-driving cars could hit road this year

Self-driving vehicles could hit the road this year on motorways in Britain, the government said Wednesday, under plans to permit motorists to temporarily take their hands off the wheel.

Britain gears up to watch TV in self-driving cars

Motorists can sit back and watch TV once self-driving cars are approved on British roads but will be banned from using handheld mobile phones, government plans revealed Wednesday.

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