Computer Sciences

Using quantum computing to protect AI from attack

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) where computer models become experts in various tasks by consuming large amounts of data. This is instead of a human explicitly programming this level of expertise.


Virtual human body models supplement crash-test dummies

Countless people die every year in road accidents. To improve the safety of vehicle occupants, it has been customary for decades to carry out crash-tests using dummies. These crash-test dummies are increasingly getting virtual ...


Soft robots make virtual reality gloves feel more real

Soft robots, or those made with materials like rubber, gels and cloth, have advantages over their harder, heavier counterparts, especially when it comes to tasks that require direct human interaction. Robots that could safely ...


Untangle your hair with help from robots

With rapidly growing demands on health care systems, nurses typically spend 18 to 40 percent of their time performing direct patient care tasks, oftentimes for many patients and with little time to spare. Personal care robots ...

Machine learning & AI

Using artificial intelligence to enrich digital maps

A model invented by researchers at MIT and Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) that uses satellite imagery to tag road features in digital maps could help improve GPS navigation.

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