Energy & Green Tech

Obtaining hydrogen from methanol: Optimized reformers

Methanol reformers convert easy-to-transport methanol into hydrogen. But conventional reformers still come with a number of drawbacks—catalyst attrition, to name but one example. An innovative methanol reformer for mobile ...

Energy & Green Tech

India aims to be green hydrogen hub

India has unveiled the first part of a drive to attempt to turn the world's third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases into a "hub" for green hydrogen.

Energy & Green Tech

Our next renewable energy source could be an artificial leaf

LSU researchers are exploring new ways to use the oldest energy source on our planet—sunlight—to create truly green energy on demand. You've already heard of solar cells and solar panels, but David Vinyard, assistant ...

Energy & Green Tech

GM expands market for hydrogen fuel cells beyond vehicles

General Motors is finding new markets for its hydrogen fuel cell systems, announcing that it will work with another company to build mobile electricity generators, electric vehicle charging stations and power generators for ...

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