Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence improves biomedical imaging

ETH researchers use artificial intelligence to improve quality of images recorded by a relatively new biomedical imaging method. This paves the way towards more accurate diagnosis and cost-effective devices.


Doctor performs first 5G surgery in step towards robotics 'dream'

Next-generation wireless technology is taking the medical world a crucial step closer to robots performing remotely-controlled surgery, a doctor in Spain said Wednesday after carrying out the world's first 5G-powered telementored ...

Computer Sciences

Computer vision in the dark using recurrent CNNs

Over the past few years, classical convolutional neural networks (cCNNs) have led to remarkable advances in computer vision. Many of these algorithms can now categorize objects in good quality images with high accuracy.

Machine learning & AI

Pixel 3: A turn to machine learning for depth estimations

TechSpot says what it thinks about the Pixel 3 and it's not an ad: "Pixel 3 is quite possibly the best camera phone on the market." Tyler Lee in Ubergizmo is in full compliment mode. "There is no doubt that all of Google's ...


Machine learning to optimize traffic and reduce pollution

Applying artificial intelligence to self-driving cars to smooth traffic, reduce fuel consumption, and improve air quality predictions may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but researchers at the Department of Energy's ...

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