Energy & Green Tech

Energy communities bring renewable power to the people

Traditional energy production in advanced economies involves the importation of large amounts of oil and gas from a small number of suppliers. Renewable energy systems under new community ownership structures are being pioneered ...

Energy & Green Tech

Could a giant solar array in the Sahara resolve our energy needs?

Renewable energy is an essential factor in Europe's goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent. The climate crisis and the soaring price of natural gas have placed renewed emphasis on the need to transition to a ...


A new sustainable solution for energy needs

Energy consumption has been on the rise globally, despite efforts to increase energy efficiency. With limited resources and negative environmental and social impacts associated with traditional energy production, researchers ...

Energy & Green Tech

Housing prices decline within mile of solar energy arrays

A study of the impact of utility scale solar power installations on nearby housing prices by University of Rhode Island economists found that house prices within a mile of a Rhode Island or Massachusetts solar array declined ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tackling climate change with social science

Tackling the climate challenge is requiring everyone to change the way we think about our homes, our lifestyles, and our investments. Australians are embracing the energy transition, with rooftop solar now contributing 11.2% ...

Energy & Green Tech

A climate-neutral future for converted LNG terminals?

The construction of new LNG terminals with the aim of reducing energy dependence on Russian natural gas raises concerns that the associated fossil fuel infrastructure could hinder the transition of the energy system to renewable ...

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