Energy & Green Tech

Expanding the horizons of sustainable ceramics

Churning out the world's toilets, tiles, plates and pipes, the resource-guzzling ceramics industry can go a long way to clean up its act, environmentally speaking.

Computer Sciences

Researchers unveil new cyber protections against "logic bombs"

Cybersecurity researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and the Georgia Institute of Technology have proposed new ways to protect 3D printed objects such as drones, prostheses and medical devices from stealthy "logic ...

Energy & Green Tech

Using machine learning to forecast amine emissions

Global warming is partly due to the vast amount of carbon dioxide that we release, mostly from power generation and industrial processes, such as making steel and cement. For a while now, chemical engineers have been exploring ...


Ex-Google AI skeptic Timnit Gebru starts anew

When she co-led Google's Ethical AI team, Timnit Gebru was a prominent insider voice questioning the tech industry's approach to artificial intelligence.

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