
Teaching robots to see and feel

More and more industrial tasks are being performed by robots, but human operators are still needed for the more complex manipulation actions, such as handling and processing food products.


Giving robots a better feel for object manipulation

A new learning system developed by MIT researchers improves robots' abilities to mold materials into target shapes and make predictions about interacting with solid objects and liquids. The system, known as a learning-based ...


Are robot waiters the future? Some restaurants think so

You may have already seen them in restaurants: waist-high machines that can greet guests, lead them to their tables, deliver food and drinks and ferry dirty dishes to the kitchen. Some have cat-like faces and even purr when ...


A highly sensitive robot gripper with no need for pneumatics

Force-sensitive, dynamic, energy efficient and with a range of applications—these qualities are what distinguish the new robot gripper created by the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design IEM. It can transport ...

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