Electronics & Semiconductors

Passive radiative cooling can now be controlled electrically

Energy-efficient ways of cooling buildings and vehicles will be required in a changing climate. Researchers at Linköping University have now shown that electrical tuning of passive radiative cooling can be used to control ...


Liquid windows: Energy-saving inspiration from squid skin

Inspired by the dynamic color-changing skin of organisms such as squid, University of Toronto researchers have developed a multilayered fluidic system that can reduce the energy costs of heating, cooling and lighting buildings.

Machine learning & AI

Teaching AI to identify colors in the dark

A team of researchers at the University of California used deep learning to enable limited color vision in the dark. The group published a paper describing their work on the open-access site PLOS ONE.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Smart window material blocks rays without blocking views

An international research team led by scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has invented a 'smart' window material that controls heat transmission without blocking views, which could ...


Researchers developing fully autonomous robot chef

Imagine having your own digital personal chef; ready to cook up whatever you want; able to tailor the shape, texture, and flavor just for you; and it's all at the push of a button. Columbia engineers have been working on ...

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