
Passive cooling system could benefit off-grid locations

As the world gets warmer, the use of power-hungry air conditioning systems is projected to increase significantly, putting a strain on existing power grids and bypassing many locations with little or no reliable electric ...


Temperature-resistant power semiconductors from a 3D printer

Researchers at the Professorship of Electrical Energy Conversion Systems and Drives at Chemnitz University of Technology have succeeded for the first time in 3D printing housings for power electronic components that are used, ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New tech can double spectral bandwidth in some 5G systems

Some materials, like wood, are insulators that block the flow of electricity. Conductors, such as copper, allow for electricity to flow through them. Other materials—semiconductors—can be either/or depending on conditions ...


Solar cell keeps working long after sun sets

About 750 million people in the world do not have access to electricity at night. Solar cells provide power during the day, but saving energy for later use requires substantial battery storage.

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists fabricate smart heat isolator

Researchers from Zhengzhou University and the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a smart material that combines hollow multishelled structure (HoMS) TiO2 and a heat-sensitive ...

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Insulation means:

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