
Study: Russia's web-censoring tool sets pace for imitators

Russia is succeeding in imposing a highly effective internet censorship regime across thousands of disparate, privately owned providers in an effort also aimed at making government snooping pervasive, according to a study ...


Court: FCC can dump net neutrality, but can't bar state laws

A federal court has cleared the way for state and local governments to bar internet providers from favoring some services over others, even as the court affirmed the Federal Communications Commission's right to dump national ...


Tech Q&A: How an online bank knows who you are

Q: Besides entering my user ID and password, my financial institution makes me verify my identity by entering a personal identification number (PIN) that is sent via text, email or phone call. Even after that, I'm always ...


As surveillance gets smart, hackers get smarter

There is an escalating technological arms race underway between governments and hacktivists. As governments step up their surveillance, the hacktivists find new ways to subvert it.

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