
Team develops alloy to boost fusion energy

A newly developed tungsten-based alloy that performs well in extreme environments similar to those in fusion reactor prototypes may help harness fusion energy.

Energy & Green Tech

New forecasting model improves solar panel performance

A new mathematical model for predicting variations in solar irradiance has been developed at Uppsala University. It may help to promote more efficient use of electricity from solar energy. In tests of various data models, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Climate change impact on green energy production

As the climate of the planet is changing, as evidenced by record-setting hot summers and extreme weather events, many researchers are looking to more renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind farms.

Energy & Green Tech

Busting the problem of cloud cover

The downside to solar power is that it's not always sunny and so grid operators have to compensate for energy drops by bringing alternative generation sources online. New research in the International Journal of Powertrains, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Integrating solar panels in shady places

Due to stricter regulations of sustainability, we might see solar panels more often not only on sunny rooftops, but more and more on shaded roofs and facades as well, which brings new challenges in their integration. In ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar energy solutions for facades

Photovoltaic elements are usually found on rooftops—after all, that's where solar irradiation is highest. However, as researchers at the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP have discovered, PV elements on facades ...

Energy & Green Tech

NASA data powers energy saving decisions

NASA's long-term, global view of Earth from space includes data on sunlight, wind, temperature and precipitation, all key elements in understanding how our planet works. That same, information is also being put to very practical ...

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Irradiation is the process by which an object is exposed to radiation. The exposure can originate from various sources, including natural sources. Most frequently the term refers to ionizing radiation, and to a level of radiation that will serve a specific purpose, rather than radiation exposure to normal levels of background radiation. The term irradiation usually excludes the exposure to non-ionizing radiation, such as microwaves from cellular phones or electromagnetic waves emitted by radio and TV receivers and power supplies.

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