
Problems soar for airlines despite pandemic recovery

Desperate to put the coronavirus pandemic behind them, airlines will hold talks on Sunday ahead of a potential summer of chaos with shortages and strikes that could threaten their recovery.


Moving toward the first flying humanoid robot

Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) have recently been exploring a fascinating idea, that of creating humanoid robots that can fly. To efficiently control the movements of flying robots, objects or vehicles, ...

Energy & Green Tech

All-in-one solar-powered tower makes carbon-neutral jet fuel

Researchers have designed a fuel production system that uses water, carbon dioxide (CO2), and sunlight to produce aviation fuel. They have implemented the system in the field, and the design, publishing July 20 in the journal ...


Biggest-ever airliner order marks first day of Paris Air Show

European aircraft maker Airbus got the Paris Air Show off to a soaring start on Monday with the announcement of the biggest-ever order for civil aircraft, as the French president joined a big crowd for the event's return ...


Airbus, Dassault reach deal on European fighter jet prototype

Airbus and Dassault Aviation have reached an accord on building a test version of Europe's next-generation fighter jet, after weeks of strained negotiations that put the plane's development in doubt, sources close to the ...


This 'squidbot' jets around and takes pics of coral and fish

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have built a squid-like robot that can swim untethered, propelling itself by generating jets of water. The robot carries its own power source inside its body. It can also ...


Engine treatment can slash jet noise

There's a song anyone who lives near an airport or directly under the flight path of incoming and departing jets daily wishes they could play: Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence."

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