Energy & Green Tech

Lignin-based jet fuel packs more power for less pollution

An experimental plant-based jet fuel could increase engine performance and efficiency, while dispensing with aromatics, the pollution-causing compounds added to conventional fuels, according to new research.


A new AI-based approach for controlling autonomous robots

In the film "Top Gun: Maverick," Maverick, played by Tom Cruise, is charged with training young pilots to complete a seemingly impossible mission—to fly their jets deep into a rocky canyon, staying so low to the ground ...


Robots with sticky feet can climb up, down, and all around

Jet engines can have up to 25,000 individual parts, making regular maintenance a tedious task that can take over a month per engine. Many components are located deep inside the engine and cannot be inspected without taking ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Flying doctors: UK air ambulance tests paramedic jet suit

Emergency responders and engineers in Britain said on Tuesday they have successfully tested "the world's first jet suit paramedic", which could transform how life-savers reach isolated casualty sites.


At its 787 Dreamliner factory, Boeing prepares for takeoff

As airlines seek to fulfill customers' growing post-pandemic appetites for long-haul travel, Boeing is aiming to speed up production of its 787 Dreamliners after a period plagued by repeated delivery interruptions due to ...

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Jet, Jets, or The Jets may refer to:

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