
Troubled Boeing stays close to the ground at a major UK air show

European planemaker Airbus plans to show off its newest passenger jet with daily flight demonstrations during one of the world's biggest aviation trade fairs. But an ongoing safety and manufacturing crisis has rival Boeing ...


Five things to know about the AT&T data breach

AT&T says calls and text message records for tens of millions of the phone service provider's customers were exposed in a massive data breach two years ago.


US says it broke up Russian AI bot farm on X

The United States has disrupted a Russian disinformation campaign involving AI-powered bots used to create fake profiles on the social media platform X, the Justice Department said Tuesday.


Boeing CEO to face Capitol Hill grilling

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is expected to apologize to families of crash victims on Tuesday as he faces a Senate grilling following accusations that the plane maker put profits over safety.

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Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics; justice is the act of being just and/or fair.

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