Computer Sciences

Maluuba researchers try algorithm on Harry Potter text

(Tech Xplore)—When have you heard this before: Machine learning advances the collective intelligence of humans... a lot has been written about machine learning vis-a-vis computer applications, the Internet of things, and ...

Computer Sciences

English bias in computing: Images to the rescue

So many languages; and yet English is allowed almost total domination when it comes to the AI technology Machine Learning (ML). If, for example, researchers are training a computer in grasping the content of a random text, ...

Consumer & Gadgets

How Google's Pixel Buds earphones translate languages

In the Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy, Douglas Adams's seminal 1978 BBC broadcast (then book, feature film and now cultural icon), one of the many technology predictions was the Babel Fish. This tiny yellow life-form, inserted ...

Computer Sciences

Scientists tackle AI bias with polite prodding

The troubling presence of racial bias in AI output may be easier to contain than many thought. Scientists at AI research company Anthropic say a little politeness may just do the trick, at least in some instances.

Machine learning & AI

Meta, IBM launch alliance to keep AI's future open

Meta, IBM and dozens of startups and researchers have launched an alliance defending a more open and collaborative method to develop artificial intelligence, setting up a clash with OpenAI and Google over the technology's ...

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A language is a system for encoding information. In its most common use, the term refers to so-called "natural languages" — the forms of communication considered peculiar to humankind. In linguistics the term is extended to refer to the human cognitive facility of creating and using language. Essential to both meanings is the systematic creation and usage of systems of symbols—each referring to linguistic concepts with semantic or logical or otherwise expressive meanings.

The most obvious manifestations are spoken languages such as English or Spoken Chinese. However, there are also written languages and other systems of visual symbols such as sign languages.

Although some other animals make use of quite sophisticated communicative systems, and these are sometimes casually referred to as animal language, none of these are known to make use of all of the properties that linguists use to define language in the strict sense.

When discussed more technically as a general phenomenon then, "language" always implies a particular type of human thought which can be present even when communication is not the result, and this way of thinking is also sometimes treated as indistinguishable from language itself.

In Western Philosophy for example, language has long been closely associated with reason, which is also a uniquely human way of using symbols. In Ancient Greek philosophical terminology, the same word, logos, was used as a term for both language or speech and reason, and the philosopher Thomas Hobbes used the English word "speech" so that it similarly could refer to reason, as will be discussed below.

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