Machine learning & AI

New scaling law demonstrates how AI copes with changing categories

The real world possesses many challenges for AI missions. One of those challenges is the requirement that machines will be able to recognize and quickly learn new objects which they have not seen before. An AI robust to changes ...

Computer Sciences

AI outperforms humans in speech recognition

Following a conversation and transcribing it precisely is one of the biggest challenges in artificial intelligence (AI) research. For the first time now, researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have succeeded ...


'Hiding' network latency for fast memory in data centers

Sharing server memory between applications in large computer clusters is still a major goal for cloud and high-performance computing communities. Through fast networking technology, the memory available throughout the center's ...

Computer Sciences

New streaming technology will change computer gaming

Streaming services, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime, are widely used. But the next wave of digital media is imminent: cloud gaming. This technology is similar to video-on-demand services. A computer game is run on a server ...

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Latency or latent may refer to:

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