Computer Sciences

Light bulb vibrations yield eavesdropping data

In an era of digital eavesdropping where hackers employ a variety of means to take over built-in video cameras, peruse personal digital data and snoop on cellular conversations, researchers have finally seen the light.


Latest GE sale extinguishes lightbulb business

General Electric is getting out of the light bulb business, shedding a foundational enterprise from the days of Thomas Edison, the company announced Wednesday.


Website rates security of internet-connected devices

If you're in the market for an internet-connected garage door opener, doorbell, thermostat, security camera, yard irrigation system, slow cooker—or even a box of connected light bulbs—a new website can help you understand ...

Energy & Green Tech

Human energy to bring power by the pedal

Manoj Bhargava, founder of Billions in Change, calls up two words as the stars of his show. Energy, water. He reminds us what may be obvious but often ignored. They hold the key to other things that keep the poor, well, poor. ...

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