Computer Sciences

Platform teaches nonexperts to use machine learning

Machine-learning algorithms are used to find patterns in data that humans wouldn't otherwise notice, and are being deployed to help inform decisions big and small—from COVID-19 vaccination development to Netflix recommendations.

Computer Sciences

Scientists develop interactive typeface for digital text

Language is without doubt the most pervasive medium for exchanging knowledge between humans. However, spoken language or abstract text need to be made visible in order to be read, be it in print or on screen. How does the ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Exploring extremes: When is it too hot to handle?

Exploring extreme environments can put significant operational challenges on the engineering systems we depend upon to safely explore and at times operate within.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Toward new solar cells with active learning

How can I prepare myself for something I do not yet know? Scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin and from the Technical University of Munich have addressed this almost philosophical question in the context of ...


Twitter unveils algorithmic fairness initiative

Twitter said Wednesday it was launching an initiative on "responsible machine learning" that will include reviews of algorithmic fairness on the social media platform.

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