Machine learning & AI

Machine learning research may aid many industries

Spam emails, bank fraud, diabetes, workers quitting their jobs. What do these topics have in common? The answer can be found in machine learning research at Binghamton University.


AI to determine when to intervene with your driving

Can your AI agent judge when to talk to you while you are driving? According to a KAIST research team, their in-vehicle conservation service technology will judge when it is appropriate to contact you to ensure your safety.


Artificial intelligence opens new window on complex urban issues

Understanding the workings and behaviors of a city requires knowledge of the different processes that allow people and other biological organisms to live and thrive, as well as understanding of their interrelationships—many ...

Computer Sciences

Artificial intelligence blends algorithms and applications

Artificial intelligence is already a part of everyday life. It helps us answer questions like "Is this email spam?" It identifies friends in online photographs, selects news stories based on our politics and helps us deposit ...

Computer Sciences

Transforming transportation with machine learning

You hear the buzzwords everywhere—machine learning, artificial intelligence—revolutionary new approaches to transform the way we interact with products, services, and information, from prescribing drugs to advertising ...

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