Computer Sciences

Training machines to learn more like humans do

Imagine sitting on a park bench, watching someone stroll by. While the scene may constantly change as the person walks, the human brain can transform that dynamic visual information into a more stable representation over ...


Machine learning can support urban planning for energy use

As Philadelphia strives to meet greenhouse gas emissions goals established in its 2050 Plan, a better understanding of how zoning can play a role in managing building energy use could set the city up for success. Researchers ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning can help better predict city gentrification

A machine learning model developed and tested by researchers at UNSW City Futures Research Center may be able to better equip policymakers with knowledge and data about predicted neighborhood change—and with better predictive ...


Detecting nuclear threats with artificial reasoning

As malicious actors become more adept in their attempts to circumvent international nuclear nonproliferation safeguards, the United States government has invested in research to better detect bad actors' malign activities. ...


AI screening to make transport fuels greener

An inverse mixture-design approach based on machine learning can teach computers to create mixtures from a set of target properties. Developed by KAUST, this could help find high-performance transport fuels that burn efficiently ...

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