Computer Sciences

Synthetic imagery sets new bar in AI training efficiency

Data is the new soil, and in this fertile new ground, MIT researchers are planting more than just pixels. By using synthetic images to train machine learning models, a team of scientists recently surpassed results obtained ...

Machine learning & AI

New AI-driven tool streamlines experiments

Researchers at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have demonstrated a new approach to peer deeper into the complex behavior of materials. The team harnessed the power of machine learning to interpret ...


AI co-pilot enhances human precision for safer aviation

Imagine you're in an airplane with two pilots, one human and one computer. Both have their "hands" on the controllers, but they're always looking out for different things. If they're both paying attention to the same thing, ...


AI model speeds up high-resolution computer vision

An autonomous vehicle must rapidly and accurately recognize objects that it encounters, from an idling delivery truck parked at the corner to a cyclist whizzing toward an approaching intersection.

Computer Sciences

Using quantum computing to protect AI from attack

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) where computer models become experts in various tasks by consuming large amounts of data. This is instead of a human explicitly programming this level of expertise.

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