Computer Sciences

A simpler path to better computer vision

Before a machine-learning model can complete a task, such as identifying cancer in medical images, the model must be trained. Training image classification models typically involves showing the model millions of example images ...

Computer Sciences

Using sound to model the world

Imagine the booming chords from a pipe organ echoing through the cavernous sanctuary of a massive, stone cathedral.


Collaborative machine learning that preserves privacy

Training a machine-learning model to effectively perform a task, such as image classification, involves showing the model thousands, millions, or even billions of example images. Gathering such enormous datasets can be especially ...

Computer Sciences

AI that can learn the patterns of human language

Human languages are notoriously complex, and linguists have long thought it would be impossible to teach a machine how to analyze speech sounds and word structures in the way human investigators do.


Automation speeds the search for stable proteins

Harnessing the power of robotics and machine intelligence, researchers from Princeton Engineering and Rutgers University have found a way to design stable proteins in a fraction of the time of current state of the art. The ...

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