Electronics & Semiconductors

New wearable sensor sets record for solar power efficiency

Sweat, like blood, can tell us a lot about a person's health. And conveniently, it's a lot less invasive to collect. This is the premise behind the wearable sweat sensors developed by Wei Gao, assistant professor of medical ...

Machine learning & AI

EU, US ready common code of conduct on artificial intelligence

The European Union and the United States said Wednesday that they would soon release a voluntary code of conduct on artificial intelligence, hoping to develop common standards among democracies as China makes rapid gains.

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Management in all business and human organization activity is simply the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.

Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management.

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