Consumer & Gadgets

Does Netflix chill our free will? Computer scientists investigate

It's a scenario many of us are familiar with: You sit down on the couch after a long day at work and turn on Netflix. A trailer for a show you've never heard of automatically starts playing on your home screen, and you notice ...


Words prove their worth as teaching tools for robots

Exploring a new way to teach robots, Princeton researchers have found that human-language descriptions of tools can accelerate the learning of a simulated robotic arm lifting and using a variety of tools.

Computer Sciences

Photo fakery nabbed via outsmarting techniques

Adobe Research has been getting busy nailing down how to spot image manipulations by unleashing AI on the case. In doing so, they may be achieving real headway in the field of image forensics.

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists develop novel biophotovoltaics system

Researchers from the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have reported a novel biophotovoltaics (BPV) system based on a synthetic microbial consortium with constrained electron flow. This BPV system ...


Facebook misidentified thousands of political ads: study

Facebook misidentified tens of thousands of advertisements flagged under its political ads policy, according to a study released Thursday, which warned that the failure could lead to political manipulation.

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