
Underwater soft robot inspired by the brittle star

Soft robots are better suited to certain situations than traditional robots. When interacting with an environment, humans or other living things, the inherent softness built into the structure of a robot made of rubber, for ...


Merging technologies with color to avoid design failures

Various software packages can be used to evaluate products and predict failure; however, these packages are extremely computationally intensive and take a significant amount of time to produce a solution. Quicker solutions ...


Toward active thermomechanical control in precision mechatronics

Next-generation mechatronic systems form a vital part of the infrastructure that facilitates the technological advancements and innovations in the high-tech manufacturing, life sciences and medical industries. These systems ...


Mighty morphing 3-D printing

Engineers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have created a new shape-changing or "morphing" 3-D printing nozzle that was featured as a Frontispiece in the January 5th issue of the journal Advanced Materials Technologies.


The tech refugees bringing Tesla software chops to every car

It's about the software, silly. For all of Tesla's battery wizardry, the company's equally impressive coup has been creating a vehicle that can be updated and improved from afar as easily as a smartphone. And while other ...

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