
How ancient sea creatures can inform soft robotics

Soft robotics is the study of creating robots from soft materials, which has the advantage of flexibility and safety in human interactions. These robots are well-suited for applications ranging from medical devices to enhancing ...


Sound-powered sensors stand to save millions of batteries

Sensors that monitor infrastructure, such as bridges or buildings, or are used in medical devices, such as prostheses for the deaf, require a constant supply of power. The energy for this usually comes from batteries, which ...


Piezo composites with carbon fibers for motion sensors

An international research group has engineered a novel, high-strength flexible device by combining piezoelectric composites with unidirectional carbon fiber (UDCF), an anisotropic material that provides strength only in the ...

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Medical device

A medical device is a product which is used for medical purposes in patients, in diagnosis, therapy or surgery. If applied to the body, the effect of the medical device is primarily physical, in contrast to pharmaceutical drugs, which exert a biochemical effect. Specific regional definitions of medical device vary slightly as detailed below. The medical devices are included in the category Medical technology.

Medical devices include a wide range of products varying in complexity and application. Examples include tongue depressors, medical thermometers, blood sugar meters, and X-ray machines.

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