
New research 'uncovers' hidden objects in high resolution

Imagine driving home after a long day at work. Suddenly, a car careens out of an obscured side street and turns right in front of you. Luckily, your autonomous car saw this vehicle long before it came within your line of ...

Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence spots anomalies in medical images

Scientists from Skoltech, Philips Research, and Goethe University Frankfurt have trained a neural network to detect anomalies in medical images to assist physicians in sifting through countless scans in search of pathologies. ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Making advanced electronics with water

Water is the secret ingredient in a simple way to create key components for solar cells, X-ray detectors and other optoelectronics devices.

Computer Sciences

Using AI and old reports to understand new medical images

Getting a quick and accurate reading of an X-ray or some other medical images can be vital to a patient's health and might even save a life. Obtaining such an assessment depends on the availability of a skilled radiologist ...

Computer Sciences

Topological data analysis can help predict stock-market crashes

EPFL scientists, together with local startup L2F, have developed a robust model that can predict when a systemic shift is about to occur, based on methods from a branch of mathematics called topological data analysis.

Computer Sciences

A simpler path to better computer vision

Before a machine-learning model can complete a task, such as identifying cancer in medical images, the model must be trained. Training image classification models typically involves showing the model millions of example images ...

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