Virus impacts Renault Q1 sales

French automaker Renault reported Thursday a 19.2 percent plunge in the first quarter of the year amid a general market collapse caused by the novel coronavirus.


Zoom rolls out new measures as security fears mount

Videoconferencing platform Zoom is rolling out a number of measures meant to stem criticism over how it has handled security as users flock to the application during the coronavirus pandemic.

Hi Tech & Innovation

US lets autonomous vehicle bypass human-driver safety rules

For the first time, the U.S. government's highway safety agency has approved a company's request to deploy a self-driving vehicle that doesn't meet federal safety standards that apply to cars and trucks driven by humans.


Group behind Facebook's Libra coin push meet in Geneva

The Libra Association, created by Facebook to launch its new cryptocurrency, kicked off its first council meeting in Geneva on Monday, despite defections by previous supporters like Visa and Mastercard.

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