Electronics & Semiconductors

Computer simulations aid scientists in gauging battery performance

A crucial but poorly-studied parameter that dictates battery performance is the migration barrier. It determines the rate at which ions move through an electrode inside the battery, and ultimately the rate at which it charges ...


Amazon spending $3.9 bn in expanding health care push

Amazon is buying US primary health care provider One Medical for $3.9 billion, the companies announced Thursday, in a big step for the online retail giant's move into the medical sector.

Consumer & Gadgets

EU agrees single charger standard, in blow to Apple

European officials on Tuesday agreed the text of a proposed EU law imposing a standard charger for smartphones, tablets and laptops sold in the bloc, in a blow to Apple.


Examining the development of music streaming

Until the invention of audio recording devices, the music industry as it was involved live performance and the selling of sheet music for people to play their favorite pieces at home. The invention of recording and playback ...


Mismanaged cloud services put user data at risk

Organizations' failure to properly manage the servers they lease from cloud service providers can allow attackers to receive private data, research my colleagues and I conducted has shown.

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