
Building a path to extreme-scale computing

High-performance computing (HPC), typically used for solving advanced problems through modeling, simulation, and analysis, is increasingly deployed in scientific and engineering research. In addition to compute-intensive ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar energy solutions for facades

Photovoltaic elements are usually found on rooftops—after all, that's where solar irradiation is highest. However, as researchers at the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP have discovered, PV elements on facades ...

Energy & Green Tech

Creating a more resource-efficient solar power industry

PV systems continue expanding faster than any other renewable energy source thanks to their ability to harvest sustainable, clean and low-cost energy from the sun. Newly installed PV capacities in Europe grew by 31 % year-on-year ...


A turbocharger for the supercomputer JUWELS

The Jülich supercomputer JUWELS will have a big brother, a so-called booster module, as Forschungszentrum Jülich, Atos, and ParTec have agreed. The module, equipped with several thousand graphics processors, is designed ...

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