Energy & Green Tech

Understanding consumer decisions about aging solar panels

By 2050, there could be 80 million metric tons globally of solar photovoltaics (PV) reaching the end of their lifetime, with 10 million metric tons in the United States aloneā€”or the weight of 30 Empire State Buildings.

Consumer & Gadgets

'Doodles of light' in real time mark leap for holograms at home

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have devised and implemented a simplified algorithm for turning freely drawn lines into holograms on a standard desktop CPU. They dramatically cut down the computational cost ...


Modeling shows the true cost of heat on PV system performance

Lowering the operating temperature of solar panels by just a few degrees can dramatically increase the electricity they generate over their lifetime, KAUST researchers have shown. The hotter a panel gets, the lower its solar ...


Magnetic FreeBOT balls make giant leap for robotics

A unique type of modular self-reconfiguring robotic system has been unveiled. The term is a mouthful, but it basically refers to a robotic enterprise that can construct itself out of modules that connect to one another to ...

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