
Introducing GTGraffiti: The robot that paints like a human

Graduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology have built the first graffiti-painting robot system that mimics the fluidity of human movement. Aptly named GTGraffiti, the system uses motion capture technology to ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

DeepLabCut-Live! Real-time marker-less motion capture for animals

Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings," Thanos in the "Avengers," Snoke in "Star Wars," the Na'vi in "Avatar"—we have all experienced the wonders of motion-capture, a cinema technique that tracks an actor's movements and translates ...

Computer Sciences

Translating skeletal movements, joint by joint

Every human body is unique, and the way in which a person's body naturally moves depends on myriad factors, including height, weight, size, and overall shape. A global team of computer scientists has developed a novel deep-learning ...

Computer Sciences

Digitize your dog into a computer game

Researchers from the University of Bath have developed motion capture technology that enables you to digitize your dog without a motion capture suit and using only one camera.

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