Computer Sciences

A graph convolution machine for context-aware recommender systems

The latest advance in recommendation technology shows that better user and item representations can be learned via performing graph convolutions on the user-item interaction graph. However, such a finding is mostly restricted ...

Machine learning & AI

Teaching AI to identify colors in the dark

A team of researchers at the University of California used deep learning to enable limited color vision in the dark. The group published a paper describing their work on the open-access site PLOS ONE.


Brazil raises $8.4 bn in 5G tender

Brazil raised $8.4 billion in investments and license fees in an international tender to build and operate one of the world's biggest 5G data networks, Communications Minister Fabio Faria said Friday, hailing a "great success."


Facebook seeks to defend itself after scathing reports

Facebook on Tuesday fired back after a series of withering Wall Street Journal reports that the company failed to keep users safe, with the social media giant noting an increase in staff and spending on battling abuses.

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