
Virtual sensors help aerial vehicles stay aloft when rotors fail

No crystal ball is needed to envision a future that engineers have in mind, one in which air taxis and other flying vehicles ferry passengers between urban locations, avoiding the growing gridlock on the ground below. Companies ...

Computer Sciences

Pixel perfect: Engineers' new approach brings images into focus

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed an efficient new method to turn blurry images into clear, sharp ones. Called Progressively Deblurring Radiance Field (PDRF), this approach deblurs images 15 times faster than previous ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New compact chips can convert light into microwaves

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and its collaborators have delivered a small but mighty advancement in timing technology: compact chips that seamlessly convert light into microwaves. This chip could ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI agents help explain other AI systems

Explaining the behavior of trained neural networks remains a compelling puzzle, especially as these models grow in size and sophistication. Like other scientific challenges throughout history, reverse-engineering how artificial ...

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