Computer Sciences

Pan-sharpening methodology enhances remote sensing images

Researchers led by Prof. Xie Chengjun and Assoc. Prof. Zhang Jie from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have introduced an innovative pan-sharpening method to improve remote sensing ...

Computer Sciences

Redefining quantum machine learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on the use of data and algorithms to allow computers to learn without explicitly being programmed. While discussions surrounding ...


A quadrupedal robot can do parkour and walk across rubble

The robot known as ANYmal has, for some time, had no problem coping with the stony terrain of Swiss hiking trails. Now researchers at ETH Zurich have taught this quadrupedal robot some new skills: It is proving rather adept ...

Machine learning & AI

Replica theory shows deep neural networks think alike

How do you know you are looking at a dog? What are the odds you are right? If you're a machine-learning algorithm, you sift through thousands of images—and millions of probabilities—to arrive at the "true" answer, but ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers' approach may protect quantum computers from attacks

Quantum computers, which can solve several complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers, are expected to improve artificial intelligence (AI) applications deployed in devices like autonomous vehicles; however, ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers reach new AI benchmark for computer graphics

Computer graphic simulations can represent natural phenomena such as tornados, underwater, vortices, and liquid foams more accurately thanks to an advancement in creating artificial intelligence (AI) neural networks.

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